(Before I apologised, of course.) Now I’m no longer gainfully employed in a proper job, I’ll apologise until my heart’s content. I find it cathartic when I’ve made a mistake or cocked up. It goes some way to putting things right doesn’t it? Well my friends. Let me apologise for what I’m about to bring into your life. Yes. I put a Cadbury’s Caramel Egg into a croissant. It’s filthy. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Actually, this time I’m not really sorry. They are too good. Here’s what needs to happen, first go hunter gathering for your ingredients.. Pop open your tube of dough.. (Added bonus to this recipe – it’s as satisfying as bubble-wrap popping.) Roll out and stuff with frozen caramel eggs.. Bake and boom, eat with caramel dribbling down your chin. Are you ready for the money shot? They were a resounding success in this house. (Don’t worry, this isn’t their normal breakfast, obviously and raspberries cancel out the sugar anyway, doh.)


Creme Egg Brownies  – Always a winner. Mini Egg Fudge – Just 3 Ingredients. Creme Egg Fudge – Sooo good!

How to make Caramel Egg Stuffed Croissants:

Caramel Egg Stuffed Easter Croissants - 61